Du 23/10/2018 au 24/10/2018 - Paris
2nd IRPA workshop on reasonableness in the implementation on the ALARA principle
The objectives of the first worshop in 2017 reviewed the foundation of the optimisation principle and examine the pratical implementation of this principle in 3 sectors : nuclear, medicine, existing exposure situations.
With the second workshop, the objective is to show how the search for reasonableness can be practically done through continuous dialogue. The workshop will be focused on case-studies :
* Related to public, occupational and patient exposure (e.g. discharges, waste, legacies, medical procedures);
* In the 3 sectors (nuclear, medical, existing exposure situations);
* Showing the involvement of stakeholders including capacity building.
Lieu : Espace IESF – 75008 PARIS
ALARA : What does reasonable mean ?
COATES R. Voir la vidéo
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Replacement of the pressurizer immersion heaters
ACHARD J. Voir la vidéo
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Source term reduction in cofrentes NP: dry-well permanent shielding program & chemical decontamination of primary systems
SOLLET E. Voir la vidéo
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Example of ALARA/ALARP and BAT in the UK nuclear sector, and challenges for the future
CROFT J. Voir la vidéo
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Province-wide dose optimisation in CT and PET-CT through a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, in Canada
ROULEAU M. Voir la vidéo
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Effective engagement of the CT department personnel of a public hospital in the implementation of the optimization principle
ECONOMIDES S. Voir la vidéo
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Image quality versus patient dose : analysis of the Italian case in the implementation of ALARA in aortic CT angiography
CANTONE M-C. Voir la vidéo
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Reference level in the management of radiological legacies of the Swiss watch industry
MURITH C. Voir la vidéo
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Radon programme of the Czech Republic – New findings and challenges
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Monitoring of drinking water : search for reasonable level in Belgium after a few years of surveillance programs
VANDERLINCK A. Voir la vidéo
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What’s non-ionizing radiation ?
VAN DEVENTER E. Voir la vidéo
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ELF magnetic fields and childhood leukemia : a case of precaution in the Netherlands
VAN RONGEN E. Voir la vidéo