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Du 07/07/2024 au 12/07/2024 - ORLANDO (Etats-Unis)

IRPA 16 Orlando


La seizième édition du congrès international IRPA s’est tenue à Orlando (Floride) du 7 au 12 juillet 2024. Dix-sept jeunes professionnels du domaine de la radioprotection de moins de 35 ans concourraient pour le prix du Young Professionals Scientists Award

Gabriel Dupont, qui avait remporté le prix Henri Jamet lors du congrès national de la SFRP en juin 2023, a également gagné le 1er prix du YPSA lors du congrès IRPA. Le titre de son exposé était : Calibration of radiation survey meters and dosimeters without using radioactive source.

C’est la seconde fois que le candidat français remporte le prix : Jad Farah avait reçu ce prix lors du congrès international IRPA 13 en juin 2012 à Glasgow.


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  • Calibration of radiation survey meters and dosimeters without using radioactive source

    Gabriel DUPONT (ATRON Metrology)

  • Medical management of internally contaminated workers at CEA : The example of the Marcoule nuclear center

    Anne-Laure AGRINIER (CEA)

  • TG 127 : First proposals


  • Radiological protection associated with uranium industries : uranium in all its forms

    Patrick DEVIN (Orano), Fabrice LEPRIEUR (CEA)

  • Multigenerational epigenetic and metabolomic effects of internal exposure to non-toxic doses of uranium in rats

    Stéphane GRISON (IRSN)

  • Lifetime excess absolute risk for lung cancer due to exposure to radon – The contribution of the PUMA study (Pooled Uranium Miners Analysis)

    Dominique LAURIER (IRSN)

  • Overview of recent epidemiological findings in the field of low doses

    Dominique LAURIER (IRSN)

  • Updated mortality analysis of setline, the French cohorte of nuclear workers, 1968–2014

    Dominique LAURIER (IRSN)

  • Radiological Characterization for the Disposal of the LHC Beam Dumping System at CERN

    Nabil MENAA (CERN)

  • Feedback from technical dialogue set up with civil society on HLW&IL-LL radioactive waste management in France

    Cynthia REAUD (IRSN)

  • Broadening the process of optimisation

    Thierry SCHNEIDER (CEPN)

  • Revisiting the System of Radiological Protection: Tolerability and Reasonableness in the Optimisation Process

    Thierry SCHNEIDER (CEPN)

  • Classification of harmful radiationinduced effects on human health for radiological protection purposes

    Ludovic VAILLANT (CEPN)

  • Co-exposure to low-dose gamma irradiation with a chemical stressor causes differential outcomes on brain toxicity parameters in rat

    Chrystelle IBANEZ (IRSN)

  • Nuclear and radiological risk perception among young people in France : analysis and early perspectives for action

    Cynthia REAUD (IRSN)

  • Management of domestic radon risks in France: an inventory of territorial approaches

    Cynthia REAUD (IRSN) Caroline SCHIEBER (CEPN)

  • Radon at home – what are the barriers and facilitators? Can citizen-science help? A French perspective

    Caroline SCHIEBER (CEPN)

  • Biological behavior of activated cobalt oxide particles: effect of aging on bioavailability and access to treatments

    Anne Van der Meeren (CEA)

  • Efficacy of Ca-DTPA products for the decontamination of actinide-exposed deep wound in rats

    Anne Van der Meeren (CEA)

  • The decontamination process for wound contaminations with radiocompounds in a nuclear power plant, about a concrete case

    Hubert PEIFFER (EDF)
